In 2017, Ashish celebrated their 10th anniversary. Here is a special video that was created to celebrate the occasion. Please watch this video and celebrate with us.


Based in New Delhi, India, AFDA provides multi-pronged solutions for families affected by autism and other disabilities. AFDA’s programs include:

Ashish Center:

An early intervention center with 4:1 student to teacher ratio and multiple therapies to help students age 4-18 reach their full potential. Approximately 40 school-aged children are able to receive the highest-quality therapies and holistic education.


A vocational and life skills program for teens and young adults. Skills are developed and sharpened that are suited for their natural talents for routine, memory and organization.

Caregiver counseling/support:

Families affected by disability are often overwhelmed, burned out, and stretched thin. In India, parents face significant stigma and isolation, as well. AFDA provides home visits, counseling, and community to help families thrive.

Community awareness initiatives:

AFDA’s goal is to see India become a society where all people are accepted as integral members of the community. Through conference, networks, places of worship, and business partnerships, AFDA seeks to help community members have understanding of disabilities and opportunities for relationship with the differently-abled.

Special Education Teacher Assistant (TA) training:

This five-month training program seeks prospective TAs from low-income backgrounds, thereby providing an excellent career path for those in need while helping to fill India’s significant shortage of Special Education para-professionals. Each Ashish-trained TA brings us closer to our goal of seeing every child in India have access to the education and therapies they need to reach their full-potential.

About the Founder

Geeta’s Journey

In 2004, Geeta received the news that her son had autism. She was told, “Nothing can be done. Let him live out his karma.”

At that moment (and ever since), Geeta had to confront the false belief that her disabled child is worthless, a curse, bad karma. But Geeta knew the truth: that her son has purpose and potential. So she began looking for services to help her son. Instead, she found other desperate parents who had no place to turn. Geeta felt called to show people that the children her society was discarding are only differently-abled, and that they are a blessing.

In 2007 Geeta opened a center for children with autism. She felt called to show people that the children her society was discarding are a blessing. Today, Ashish Center has 39 students that get all the services that they need and are challenged to reach their full potential.

In partnership with Ashish Foundation, Thrive Global Consulting is helping to fill a major need for quality services for people with disabilities. This would not be possible without generous donations from our community of supporters. Please consider partnering with us so that every child with autism in India may have access to the highest quality education and therapies.
